Saturday, February 24, 2007

Growing up fast!

I am growing like a weed these days and told my mommy it's time for real food. So we had sweet potatoes for the first time tonight for dinner. It was really tasty. I think I like grown-up's food. My daddy is sick and my mommy and I spend the past few days looking after him, making him feel a whole lot better. I even offered to share my favorite toy, Mr. Bee with him. Mommy says sharing is good.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Birthdays & New Babies

We celebrated Alia Patterson's 2nd birthday yesterday at a cool Kid's play place in Oakland. There were many friends to play with and a lot of new toys...! On our way home we visited Alexander Griffin (born 31 Jan) for the first time. I wanted to wake him so he could play with me, but aunt Heidi said I should let him sleep. On the photo is my dad holding Alexander, Gabe, me and aunt Heidi. Last night we had dinner at the Hoopers' new house in Los Gatos and I got to play with Abigail and Chase. Needless to say, I was exhausted after all the activities of the day. Today we're just spending at home relaxing.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

5 Months old!

While up in Sonoma I also celebrated being 5 months old... I have also started eating porridge and so far I like it! It is cool getting older and being able to do all kinds of stuff for the first time. Dont I look handsome in my outfit?

Passing through the Golden Gate!

This weekend I saw the Golden Gate Bridge for the first time. It was chilly and rainy on Saturday, but dad tucked me into his fleece jacket, so I was nice and warm. The purpose of our trip was to meet up with the Rubows in Sonoma. It was Kristin's birthday and also one of their last weekends away before they become parents. This meant I also had my first "wine tasting"... Well - to tell the truth - all I did was suck on the cork. This was at Rochioli on West side road in the Russian River Valley.

Sunday, February 04, 2007


Hi everybody! This past week I was able to sit all by myself for short periods of time. Mostly my mom & dad still prop me up in case I tumble over, but I'm feeling more confident everyday. This photo sequence shows me 1) On my parents' bed, 2) On my play mat, 3) In my new high-chair, and 4) In the bath with my tub toys.
Today was also my first "Superbowl Sunday". The Indianapolis Colts gave the Chicago Bears a hiding, winning 29-17.