Berry Picking

Saturday we went berry picking at Webb Ranch Farm in the hills of Menlo Park. It was a gorgeous California summers day and the berries were ripe for the picking. We picked Olallie Blackberries, Loganberries and Boysenberries. When we got home dad grilled some rainbow trout for all of us (yes, I also had some!) and mom made a delicious berry salad. Bri baked an upside down berry cake with the berries that we picked ourselves. By late afternoon we were berried-out...
Growing up....

At my 9 month check-up, my doctor told my parents (against my wishes) that I may use my crib bumper to plan an escape from my bed. So my mother said that because I am a big boy, she is going to take my crib bumper off. My dad says my bed looks like a prison, but I like the freedom....even though I cannot use the bumper to stand on and climb out!
Happy Birthday!
Today I am 9 months old and tomorrow my grandfather is 60! Gelukkige verjaarsdag, Oupa!
...This time on our trip to Yosemite we stayed at the Wawona hotel. This is not exactly campsite #4 (uncle Nate's favorite), but I can highly recommend it. It is in the Southern part of Yosemite, not so crowded and very comfortable. Aunt Kristin is convinced that this is where they filmed Dirty Dancing... On Saturday afternoon the Wawona hosts an eat-all-you-can BBQ outside on the lawn and I wish I had more teeth because those ribs my dad devoured looked yummy!

We had a unforgetable weekend in Yosemite and I can see why it's my dad's favourite place in California. We went with Nate, Kristin and Sullivan Rubow. Sullivan is just over three months old, so for once I was the big boy. We saw two bears (yay!) and lots of gigantic Sequoia trees. The weather was perfect and we took a 5 mile hike through the Mariposa grove on Saturday and a 3.5 mile hike through the Wawona meadow on Sunday before driving back home. I dig my backpack carrier!
My mommy said this was quite impressive!
My dad hopes this doesn't mean I'm left-handed, because then he won't be able to teach me his awesome golf swing...
Have passport(s)... will travel!
I received my South African passport today, so I'm ready to start conquering the world as a dual US/SA traveller. I tasted both passports and the South African one definitely tastes better!
Since I have four teeth now I am also lucky enough to have my very own toothbrush. My Mommy told me a scary story about a guy called Mr Dentist, and she said that if I brush my teeth every day and not eat too much chocolate, I won't have to meet this scary guy face-to-face. No problem - brushing my teeth is F-U-N-!