Sunday, July 29, 2007

A busy weekend

The highlights of the past few days are my crawling skills, which have improved so much that I am now faster on my knees than sailing on my stomach. I am also able to pull myself against anything and anyone, which is a whole lot of fun. The downside of growing up is teething. I had a fever on Friday and Saturday and was just feeling utterly miserable the entire weekend. But who could blame me with swollen gums and an achy body? I am feeling a lot better today and I am ready to play again at school tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Hangin' with Dad

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Camping in California

We joined friends of Mom and Dad camping this weekend. We camped at Costanoa, which is between Half Moon Bay and Santa Cruz, on the coast and about an hour's drive from our home. Although it was a little bit windy and I was feeling a little bit under the weather, I had fun in the great outdoors. I played in the water with my new buddies and had fun sleeping in the tent. I packed in my pack-n-play bed, which could fit in my parents’ 3-man tent. That meant I could take all my naps on schedule and slept through the night. Yeah!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

I love food.

This is me, showing my dad that I am old enough to feed myself.


I know, I know....I am not allowed to play in the wine fridge, but it is so much fun!
I turned 10 months this past week, so I think I am old enough now, to know what I want. I think a Pinot Noir will work well with dinner.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

My girlfriends - Danni and Marli

I had a great time on Friday evening, playing with Danni and Marli. They both have more hair than I do, but they still think I am a cool dude! On Saturday we went swimming again and some say I should considder a career in modelling.


I have recently figured out how to feed myself. My mom made me some French toast this weekend and I could eat all the little pieces from my own plate! This made me think that I should try eating all my food myself. It might not work as well as toast, but eating yoghurt (or at least grabbing the spoon from Daddy) was a lot of fun.
You cannot see it on this photo, but I now have 4 upper teeth and 2 lower ones. The next two lower ones might be peeping through the gums but I am definitely not letting anybody take a look!

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Bath time

We had so much fun the weekend. After swimming in the pool all afternoon, I could play some more in the bath. I had my first ever bubble bath - my only complaint is that the bubbles got in the way of playing with my the toys!

New toys!

My mom’s friend, Patty came to visit and gave me the toys Abigail and Chase are too big to play with. Now I have a race car I can drive, but I have not quite mastered the technique to make it go forward....still working on that.
My mom also bought me the coolest water lily...I know it sounds girly - but I am the man when I go for a swim in it!